Times for those resolutions...
Now that the New Year is upon us, it's time for those resolutions. I know that most of them will be broken by this time on January 6, but I think it's the thought behind them that matters the most. What better time for a new beginning than right after we celebrate the birth of our Redeemer? What better time to reflect on changes that we can make to better our selves than after we spend time with those who bring out the best (or is some cases worst) in us and love us regardless of those flaws? What better time to reassess our health and fitness goals than after such a luscious over indulgence of all of the things that make us happy? There really is no better time to take a good hard look at who we are and what we want and make the decisions to better ourselves. Despite the fact that most of us never really keep those resolutions for the entire month, let alone the entire year, a time for self evaluation and introspection is much needed. I'm sure that I'll set some lofty workout and healthy eating goals, and by February I'll be back to the chocolates and delicious wine, but for now, I'm going to try to set one attainable goal. I want to stay better in touch with those people that mean the most to me: you. I have been terribly slack in keeping up with my blog, but "New Year, New You," right? I'm going to work to update this once a week with the various goings-on in our lives. They may not be the most exciting things, but hey, everyday life doesn't alway knock you off your feet, now, does it? I plan to include lots of pics, especially of all of the craft things I plan to do. Come summer time, there will be more garden shots, and hopefully I'll put in some of the cool recipes that I try. Anyway, 'til next week! Happy New Year!
Only six weeks behind...
Well, I figured that since I didn't really have a whole lot else to do tonight, I would take a break from enviously drooling on my computer while staring at the pictures of all of the gorgeous babies just had by what seems like every single friend that I've ever known in my entire life, including those from my preschool days. I've actually been a pretty busy girl for the last couple of weeks, so I'll run through a brief update.
1)I got a semi-real job. I will be a long term sub for a 5th grade teacher who is going on maternity leave. I start the first day of school and will be finished just before Christmas break. I am actually really looking forward to this, even this will be the first time, in my ENTIRE life, that I will be in a public school for any extended period of time. But I'll save that for another post... As much as I'm looking forward to a paying position this fall, that won't pay the bills this summer.
2)I got another semi-real job. I am spending my summer doing exactly what I love to do best: play with kids. I am babysitting for two different family that live close (relatively; I mean, they're not in Oxford, MS). The kids are great and all love to play and read. They love dogs so I can bring Beene with me on occasion. It has been a lot of fun getting back in the nanny swing of things.
3)I have been a tour guide extraordinaire! Now that the summer has melted all of the horrible nightmares of that wet, mushy stuff that kept coming out of the sky, everyone has decided that DC is the place to be. I have hosted friends from college, friends from Memphis, and of course my wonderful family. We have seen just about everything there is to see in the city, including some of the very touristy things that I would never have thought to visit.
4)I have been laughing my rear off at the ridiculous weather people who think that the weather is SOOOOOO hot and unbearable here. Yes, it has been hot. Yes, it has even been a little humid. But to publicly bitch that "We have had 11 days in a row of over 90 degree temperatures in June." I mean really?! When you hit 10 days in a row over 100, then we can talk. Oh, and mediocre news guy, those break and bake cookies you threw in your car before your shift will most definitely not cook in your car, even if it is 100 degrees. Just so you know...
5)I have been tinkering around on our new free piano. I'm not good and I know that J is so so sick of hearing the same song over and over, but I can actually play the first page without making any mistakes and from memory. Next two pages, here I come!
6)I have been tending that old 400 sq. ft. garden we have out back. We are super pumped because it has been producing really well so far this summer. I don't know if we've made our money back, but I know that we will in a couple of season. We have had a plethora of lettuce, but now that it's hot, lettuce season is over. Back to buying that at the grocery. Our green beans are working out ok, but I think next year, we'll start a little earlier and with a whole lot more plants. Our tomatoes are finally starting to turn red and they are delicious! We will definitely have plenty of those for the rest of the summer, most likely even in the fall if I can figure out this canning and freezing thing. Our squash have fallen flat. Who would have thought that the only vegetable that can grow itself would not grow in the Jones garden? Well, whatever squash, I like watermelon better, and we have FIVE of those! I can't wait; Vodka melon party at my house. Make your reservations now.
Hope your summer is as productive as mine! :)
Here's to you!
This one's for you, birthday boy! Have you ever known someone who is more selfless than you can describe? Someone who genuinely wants what is best for all people, regardless of what they wear, look like, or believe? I do. And despite his appearance, he is 85 years young today. For the past 85 years, our world has been better because of my grandfather. He's the one that, no matter how late, will always be there to help out at the church because it needs to be done. He's the one that goes to the grocery twice a day and collects their unsellable food to make sure that the hungry of the area won't be, at least today. He's the one, even if he doesn't know how to load it, will work to fix the dishwasher when my grandmother asks. He's the one who would give you the shirt off his back if he knew that you needed it more than he did. And no matter what, his sense of humor and his wonderful attitude are what keep him looking like he's in his 60s. I hope you stay forever young! Happy 85!
Suzie ...Homemaker
So, those of you who know me pretty well, especially when I was in college, know that I was born to serve one purpose in my life. No Kelly, it was not to be the most inappropriate person ever. I am a born and bread homemaker. This is most likely due in large part to the fact that my homemaker grandmother practically raised me throughout my entire childhood, and would I let her, continue to do so to this day. However, the time has come for me to step out on my own two Suzie Homemaker shoes. I described in my last post our grand undertaking of building and planting our own food production source (i.e., the massive garden in our backyard). For this post, I've decided to include pictures of everything that we have planted (and is now growing!) as well as the project that I finished this morning. Enjoy!
Standing at the foot of the garden looking at the other fence.
Okra in front, cucumbers (with some pickles) in the back
Squash and zucchini (get ready for some bread!)
Jalapeno and banana peppers
Cherry tomatoes and sweet peppers
Onions in front and carrots in the back
Beefsteak tomatoes
Big Boy tomatoes
Better boy tomatoes
Early Girl tomatoes
Spinach (after I thinned it out)
Bibb lettuce (after I thinned)
Green and Red leaf lettuce (after I thinned)
Green leaf and head lettuce (after I thinned)
Black eyed peas (hopefully we'll get more than one sprout)
Sugar snap peas
Green beans
Lima beans (maybe they just don't like me)
More sweet peppers
Cilantro and Sweet basil
Chives and Parsley
Rosemary and Oregano
More cilantro, chives, and hot peppers
More chives, ancho peppers, and snap peas
My front flower bed that I finally finished today! Woo Hoo! No more dragging plants out of the garage to be watered and back in because it's too cold for them!
Happy Spring almost summer everyone!
Our latest massive undertaking
For the past two or three weeks, we have been working on another major project to improve our house. It's an outside project, but hopefully it will pay for itself in the next three months. I'm sure that most of you will think we have lost our minds, but a garden is something that Josh and I have always wanted. Now, a garden is something that is manageable but of course we had to go above and beyond. We built a box garden in our backyard that measures 10'x40'. For all of you math challenged readers out there, that's 400 sq. feet of garden to water and tend everyday. We have a plethora of fruits and vegetables that are beginning to bud and sprout. We have: snap peas, black eyed peas, lima beans, green beans, green leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce, green head lettuce, spinach, four types of tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, onions, carrots, turnips, okra, green peppers, banana peppers, jalapeno peppers, cucumbers, lemon cucumbers, pickling cucumbers, strawberries, and watermelons. With all of these fruits and veggies occupying our backyard, we definitely have our hands full and a summer of work staring us in the face. But the best part of this will come this fall when I can make a large pot of spaghetti sauce complete with only ingredients from our garden. Happy Spring!
Well, here we are again. However, we are here without all of that retched white stuff covering the ground. Now that we have escaped the ungodly, death grip of winter, I am really starting to enjoy this amazing weather that has befallen the greater DC area. For the past week, it has been in the 80s every day. Now all of you that hail from my previous stomping grounds are thinking, "80s?! That's disgusting! I bet's the humidity is physically dripping out of the air. I know it is here!" Well, all I have to say to you is.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! It's gorgeous here. I didn't think I could love spring/summer any more than I did back in the south, even with all of the humidity that is mandatory with high temperatures. The humidity is next to nothing and it's fantastic. The irony of this is that our realtor (my favorite person who said that it really doesn't snow that much here in the DC area...) said that we should be very thankful for the ceiling fans in all of our rooms because the humidity here can be close to unbearable. (I'm sure this is the case for most people that don't hail from the swampland with mosquitos as the state bird and sweating as the state pastime.) The animals and I have been enjoying this amazing weather and all of the beautiful blooms on our deck each day. We don't have to eat dinner inside each night because it is still light until 8 and warm until 10. My poor padre has been suffering from horrible allergic reactions to all of the pollen in the air. Again, HAHA to you because we have just now gathered a light dusting on the grill. I'm sure our day is coming and that we will be totally dumped on and I won't be able to see out of my mucus filled eyes, but until then, HAHAHA. Now that we've been through our first Cherry Blossom Festival (which was truly incredible), I would ask that you start making your reservations soon because I feel like we will definitely fill up at the Chateau du Jones for the summer season. Grab your walking shoes and we're gone!
There's no place like...well, Memphis for sure.
As much negative press as Memphis has received in the past five or so years, and especially after the negative remarks made by Mr. Forbes this past spring, I was thinking yesterday that I kinda miss that wretched, crime infested stink hole right there on the Mississippi River. Thanks to a certain CBT, I have been reminded of all of the upcoming festivities that the spring holds for the worst city in the USA, and thanks to his pictures, I'm now craving some pigs on tortilla chips. As I was sitting on my couch yesterday, absorbed by the beauty (laugh all you want, I couldn't care less) that is Edward, a thunderstorm cropped up outside my window. What the heck does this have to do with Memphis? Well, a lot actually. As Memphis is situated right on the north end of tornado alley, we get some doozies of thunderstorms. Luckily my house was never badly beaten as I lived right on the river and the bluffs pushed those bad boys onto the lucky homeowners in Midtown! (It is Memphis, right?) Right after I moved here, I noticed that my 3:00 on Wednesday drinking call was non-existent here in the VA. For so many years, every Wednesday at 3:00, the tornado sirens would wail across the city to ensure they're working properly so the old folks know when it's time to crawl into the bathtub with the mattress over their heads. (If you think I'm kidding, I'll find picks of my own grandmother in said position.) Even before I lived in Memphis, the sirens would blair at 12:00 on Friday, every single week in Little Rock. As I have always grown up with this alarm, I have really never thought anything of it. Even if there was an actual tornado coming down the street, my dad would usually decide we should go to Waffle House to get a bite to eat, since, you know, it could be our last and we were definitely going for quality in this particular situation. After about three weeks of hanging in the capital city, I noticed that I was missing something in my life (besides, you know friends, family, good mexican food, a job...). There are no tornado sirens here. In fact, the last thunderstorm we had (which was broadcast on the news like the end of times was coming) had no thunder. There were a few flashes of lightening off in the distance, but the storm was so far away, we couldn't even hear the booms that were supposed to follow. I counted seconds for what seemed like hours...
So yesterday, as I was completely absorbed in my werewolf/vampire drama, I noticed that it was actually thundering outside. I didn't see flashes of lightening because the sky wasn't dark enough, but there was some thunder. After being distracted for about .01 seconds (who can tear their eyes away from a vampire longer than that? Maybe he "dazzled" me...), I returned to the movie. Then came the "ping, ping, pa-ping," Those of us from the south know that sound like the tune of an Elvis song. We were getting HAIL! I couldn't believe it. It made me feel like we were getting an actual thunderstorm. Of course, it only lasted for maybe 3 minutes total, but there were all of the elements of a real storm. All this did for me was make me miss home like a crazy woman. But, I guess I'll just have to bring the south up here with me. CBT, send some of those nachos my way!
Prepare for battle!As a
I have discovered that substitute teaching is a lot like going in to a battle where the previous commander had very specific ways of accomplishing his tasks and then leaves you to do what you can with the people he left you. It is really a monumental task to step into a classroom, read over a two page document (maybe...) for direction, and man the steering wheel of 24 kids for the rest of the day. The funniest part of the whole endeavor is that kids are always very quick to tell you just how you have done something wrong. "Well, Mrs. So-and-so doesn't do it that way. We have never done it like that." My response "Well, Mrs. So-and-so isn't here today so until you're the boss of me, we are going to do it my way." (That's what I say in my head, at least!) It's very difficult to step into the shoes of the revered teacher and try to do things exactly like she does, especially without having ever seen her do things her way. Imagine walking into your current job but the only instructions that you have are typed on the front and back of one sheet of paper and left on your desk. There are 25 people counting on you to step flawlessly into your role, and if you don't, it could ruin (literally, ruin) their day.
As a previous classroom teacher, I thought substituting was going to be an easy gig. The teacher leaves you a bunch of busy work, the kids do what they are supposed to do, and if they're really good you spend the afternoon watching a movie. BOY WAS I WRONG!!! I forgot the small part of being a student where the best part of the school year was when a substitute teacher came in and no one did what they were told. It was a day to test limits and see what we could get away with. That small fact is still true. I have figured out that the older the student are the more they are going to test the limits. The younger the students are the more they want their day to be exactly like it is when the regular teacher is there. I guess the best part of subbing is that I do not have to have any conferences, I do not have to write lesson plans, I do not have to grade papers, and I do not have to sweat the bad behavior when I leave the school building. As great as all of these things are, the worst parts of subbing have to be the fact that you go into your task blind, especially when it comes to the behavior plan. You do not know what the discipline plan is, you do not know who is "good" and who has "issues" (though that is not hard to figure out pretty quickly), and you don't know what to do when someone does something that you think they shouldn't be doing. You can only threaten a child so many times about sending them to the principal's office. However, you don't want to be that jerk substitute that can't control 20 second graders for one day... See the dilemma? As taxing as it can be, I have really realized that I was made to be a classroom teacher, and this sub thing is really only a part-time gig. So, here I go with blades unsheathed and war paint on. Wish me luck (or a speedy victory!).
A walk down memory lane
So, this time last year we were eating our weight in crawfish and having a grand time with lots of people that we love. I think that was one of the best crawfish boils/oyster sucks that I have ever been to, especially since J and I were the guests of honor (thanks, Joneses!). The butterflies were starting to flutter and the emotions were starting to rise. We had a really good rehearsal and were able to share the time with our closest family members and friends. On March 7, 2009, J and I became the next generation of the Jones family. It was one of the happiest days of my life. Everything (despite the flower shop, huh, Keith?) was perfect. The ceremony was beautiful, our family and friends were all present to support us, the food was delicious, and everything went off without a hitch. The highlight of the whole day, however, was the wonderful reception that we were able to share with our family and friends that night. No one knew that J had those mad dance skills. All of his grandparents said "I didn't know you could dance like that, especially with a chair. Elizabeth's a lucky girl!" HAHAHA. It was priceless. I wish there was someone out there with a video because it would win the grand prize on America's Funniest Home Videos. Anyway, after a wonderful day and a fantastic party, we embarked on the journey of our first year of marriage. What an exciting journey it has been! We have been to different countries for vacation, we have been all over the country to see our families, we increased the size of ours with our precious Beene girl, we revamped our jobs, we moved to another state, we survived the biggest snow storm in VA in the past 10 years, and we did it with mostly smiles. Everyone has always said the first year of marriage is the hardest, so I suppose that is now water under the bridge. I'm sure that we will have many many more happy years, maybe even a couple of rough ones, but no matter what, we have started something that can't be stopped! So, here's to us: Happy Anniversary!
My so called job
Well, I'm sure that some of you saw on J's facebook status that he was "so proud of his wife who got a job; hired on the spot is a great first interview." I so appreciate the love and support, now if only he could field all the phone calls that I've received! So here's the scoop:
About two or three weeks ago, I contacted the volunteer coordinator of the PTA at the school right up the street from me (I mean, literally one minute away). She passed my name and information on to the principal of the school, since I didn't have any kids and could probably help more in a classroom setting than in a bake sale setting. I met with the principal on Wednesday; she was very open and receptive to having me come into her school and work with the students. She said all I needed was to get some paperwork submitted, which I did on Thursday. When I met with her on Wednesday, she introduced me to the assistant principal (the guy who handles all of the substitutes!) and the reading specialist to see if they could get the ball rolling for me to be able to work with some of the kids. When I brought back my paperwork on Thursday, the principal happened to be standing at the front desk and said that she had worked out a preliminary schedule. She asked when I would like to start and I told her that I would be more than willing to get started as soon as the teachers wanted me. Well, turns out the first request was for this morning. So I have started volunteering in a fourth grade math class at the school up the street, three days and five hours per week. So far so good! Hopefully this may turn into something more than volunteering, especially if I can make a great impression on everyone there. The best part of the whole experience so far: when the students walked into the room, one little girl asked the teacher why there was a high school student in their classroom today! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Have a great Friday, peeps!
Day two: burning...
So I've started the 30 Day Shred workout for the second time this year. Last time, I worked out for two days, and then I promptly stopped those shenanigans when the lactic acid got to be a little too much. Well, a month has passed since that day two, and here we are again: Day Two. I remember why I quit the first time: lactic acid is the devil. I really hate being sore first thing in the morning when I wake up. Sure, there are times when waking up sore can be a good thing. There are even times that I've had a blast, and woken up the next day without being able to move. It was awesome! Today was not one of those days. And I am venturing to guess that tomorrow won't be one of those days either. But I am bound and determined to stick with it this time. I want to look like an actual person in a two piece bathing suit this summer instead of a blob of mashed potatoes stuffed into a two piece bathing suit. Last time I consistently worked out, it was much easier because I had a very definitive goal. My wedding was just around the corner, followed by my honeymoon at which time I would be clad in nothing but a bathing suit. These two motivating factors moved me to the gym on a nearly daily basis. However, this time, there is just a personal drive to look decent at the pool, since we have three of them to enjoy this summer. I am two days in, and I have learned that this is one of my breaking points. I am asking a favor of those two of you who actually do read this. I need to come up with some incentives to keep me motivated. I don't particularly want to motivate myself with food because saying "If I workout three days in a row, I'll allow myself a huge milk shake" seems somewhat counter productive. I also don't necessarily want to reward myself with monetary rewards. "If I work out for five days, I'll go get a manicure and pedicure." Unfortunately I don't have an extra $150 each month to reward myself with this goal. So, any suggestions that you have would be greatly appreciated. I'll even see if I can get my husband in on this reward process. Thanks for your help!
Good friends, good times
Last night was a blast. J and I invited over our new friends; he works with J and she takes care of their beautiful baby boy! We had a fantastic dinner: steak, baked potatoes, creamed spinach, bread, salad, red wine, and great banana pudding (thanks for the recipe =D). The dinner was amazing. J really knows how to grill a great steak! As great as the dinner was, it was really nice to visit with our new friends and talk to someone other than the pets. Speaking of the animals, Beene had a big time playing with the baby. He's only 4 1/2 months old (but he's as big as 12 mo. old) and he's never seen a dog. Beene, of course, has never really been around a baby. She's been around some little kids, but never a baby. She went crazy when she saw him and was the lick-happiest dog in he world. She was having a blast giving him kisses all over, especially IN his little mouth. It was really priceless! As cute as that was, the funniest part of the whole night was when J was holding the baby at dinner to give his mom and dad a chance to eat without having to hold their baby. Since J can't sit still and the baby didn't like to be immobile either, they were a match made in heaven. Well, the baby was a little fussy so J was bouncing him over his shoulder, patting him on the back. All of a sudden... BLAHHHH! Baby boy pukes all over J's shoulder and back. It was hilarious!! I don't think the three of us could have laughed much harder. The best part, J said "What are you guys laughing at?" Then he said, "Oh, it must be what's warm on my arm..." We were laughing so hard we couldn't breathe. Maybe you had to be there...
Anyway, we had a great night with new friends and a pukey shirt as a memento of the fun and festivities!
Boredom wins
Well, I've changed the appearance of the blog yet again, and it's all in the name of boredom. Thankfully, I have checked a few things off of my to-do list. I think I am completely finished with the half bath. The floors are in, the vanity and sink work, the walls are painted, and the ceiling looks great! So far, so good. Now, it's time to actually clean the bathroom. I guess the one good thing to look forward to is that there is no snow on the forecast for the weekend. We are actually going to have some friends over for dinner. Should be lots of fun. At least you know that I won't be changing the blog background every three seconds since I'll actually have things to do! Happy Lent!
Laissez les bon temps rouler!
C'est ce temps d'annee encore: Mardi Gras! Parce que demain est le mercredi des Cendres, aujourd'hui est le jour de folie. Attrapez vos perles, fete avec vos voisins, et mangez toute la viande que vous voulez. Demain, c'est fini! Malgre la neige chez vous, couvrir ce que vous pouvez en violet, or, et vert. Enregistrer le travail pour demain; il est concu comme penitence de toute facon, pas vrai? Mangez tous les bonbons dans votre maison, en particulier ceux des cookies "girl scout"! Visualisez toutes de la TV que vous pouvez gerer, parce que demain c'est un peche. Vive la journee; aujourd'hui, c'est Mardi Gras!
It's that time of year again: Mardi Gras. Because tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, today is the day for craziness. Grab your beads, party with your neighbors, and eat all the meat you want. Tomorrow, it's over! Despite the snow at your house, cover what you can in purple, gold, and green. Save the work for tomorrow; it's meant as penance anyway, right? Eat all of the sweets in your house, especially those girl scout cookies! Watch all of the TV you can manage, because tomorrow it's a sin. Seize the day; today is Fat Tuesday!
It's that time of year again!
I know you are all waiting with bated breath, as I am, for the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics tonight. After the opening ceremonies two summers ago in China, I'm really not sure how Canada's going to top it. I guess they'll come up with something, eh? I, personally, am looking forward to the skiing events, seeing as how that's the popular mode of transportation around these parts for the past few days. I know J is getting really excited and already setting the TiVo for the curling events. Despite all my feminine instincts, I am not jumping up and down for the ice skating/ice dancing events. I guess I may have out grown those events because they just don't hold the same entertainment value as bobsledding and Alpine skiing. Well, as we are united as a country against all other countries in the world, the time has come to grab your Quebecois poutine and xoosum or Nanaimo bars and settle in on the couch to watch huge men in ridiculous outfits hurl a weight down a frozen alley. If you want to see this in person, I can find J some ridiculous clothes and give him a turkey to throw down the street. Stay warm, San Diego!
I wish...
I wish I could report something new, but unfortunately, all that's new is 8 more inches. I guess the only difference this time is the wind that has accompanied our fifth (or is it sixth?) snowstorm of the season. We are getting gusts of wind over 40 miles per hour. This is creating the slight problem of being able to see beyond the end of one's face. Drivers are not able to see pedestrians that are forced to walk in the road because of the conditions of the sidewalks. Drivers are not able to see other drivers. Drivers are barely able to see the radio controls within their own cars. Like I said, this storm is the worst by far. J was almost as lucky as the school kids in our neighborhood. He was able to work from home today and last Monday. The kids in the neighborhood are out for the entire week because the roads are almost impassible in certain areas. Oh well, I guess the best part of all of this is that we are supposed to be hit again on Monday.
Hell hath no furry!
It looks like it's a WHO DAT nation for 2010, and apparently it was true that if the Saints won the Super Bowl, hell would freeze over. In the old stomping grounds, everyone awoke this Monday morning all bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to hit the highway for another case of the Monday in their respective offices. But the Big Man Upstairs said "Whoa, there tiger! Before you hit the door, here are a couple of inches of ice and snow. Take the day on me!" Sooooo, NO SCHOOL in Memphis or Little Rock! All of the teachers I know are throwing a private party while the kids are freezing their little rears off while constructing their precious snowmen.
However... The storm that is raging over the midsouth today is heading this way tomorrow. The good news is that we are supposed to get another 8-10 inches on top of the 2 feet we registered this weekend. I guess the best place to be, either in reality or in my mind, is NOLA. Laissez les bon temps roulez!
I'll let the pictures do the talking... The first few are looking out from the front porch, snow everywhere, complete white-out.
The third picture below is my mailbox. I'm thinking that the mail may not make it here today. So if the check is in the mail, you can expect delays before we cash it - adjust your check books accordingly.
Updated Deck Pictures:
9:30 PM
Well, the time has come the walrus said... And I guess since he's a walrus, snow was the only thing it was time for. According to the local weathermen, we are set to endure White Death 2010 for the next 24 to 36 hours. Most of the state is under severe winter weather advisory (for us, since 12:00 am Friday morning until 10:00 pm Saturday), but there are certain places along the coast that are under a blizzard warning. What this means to those of you who are sitting around in your shorts and sock feet is that the wind is supposed to gust upwards of 30 miles an hour which blows the snow so hard that the visibility is reduced to less than 1/4 mile. The prediction are that we are supposed to get between 18-24", and overnight it's supposed to come down between an inch and two inches each hour. HOW AWESOME! I know right?! The kiddos back home are saying, "Oh, Mrs. Jones, we are SOOOO jealous!" That's because you think it's fun to go out and play in the stuff and hit your friends in the faces with wads of wet nastiness. Unfortunately for me, this is not that kind of snow. This is the kind where they have said for two day, "Get everything you need because you won't be able to leave your house. Period." HOW AWESOME! I know right?! Well since we are only 12 hours into this 36 hour blizzard bonanza, I'll leave you with some pics of the accumulation each hour from the start of the misery.
10:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
I was taking a nap...
4:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Stay tuned because the snow will be blowing and the wine will be flowing...
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