
Times for those resolutions...

Now that the New Year is upon us, it's time for those resolutions. I know that most of them will be broken by this time on January 6, but I think it's the thought behind them that matters the most. What better time for a new beginning than right after we celebrate the birth of our Redeemer? What better time to reflect on changes that we can make to better our selves than after we spend time with those who bring out the best (or is some cases worst) in us and love us regardless of those flaws? What better time to reassess our health and fitness goals than after such a luscious over indulgence of all of the things that make us happy? There really is no better time to take a good hard look at who we are and what we want and make the decisions to better ourselves. Despite the fact that most of us never really keep those resolutions for the entire month, let alone the entire year, a time for self evaluation and introspection is much needed. I'm sure that I'll set some lofty workout and healthy eating goals, and by February I'll be back to the chocolates and delicious wine, but for now, I'm going to try to set one attainable goal. I want to stay better in touch with those people that mean the most to me: you. I have been terribly slack in keeping up with my blog, but "New Year, New You," right? I'm going to work to update this once a week with the various goings-on in our lives. They may not be the most exciting things, but hey, everyday life doesn't alway knock you off your feet, now, does it? I plan to include lots of pics, especially of all of the craft things I plan to do. Come summer time, there will be more garden shots, and hopefully I'll put in some of the cool recipes that I try. Anyway, 'til next week! Happy New Year!

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