
So Thankful!

As we draw nearer to one of my favorite holidays (#3 on the list), I am always eager to think of all the things for which I can give thanks. This year, I have so many things that I could easily list one thing each day as many of my friends have done in their Facebook statuses. This year, I am so thankful that Josh decided to have his knee surgery so he can be full speed again. I am even more thankful that he had it done when he did, because had he waited any longer, we would
have seriously been up a creek! I am thankful that my grandmother is no longer suffering, even though she isn't with us any more. It's not always easy to find the good in such sad situations, but I am very glad that she isn't in any more pain. I am thankful that all of my other grandparents, and Josh's as well, are in good health and happiness. I am thankful that we will be able to see the majority of our family throughout this holiday season, since Josh's family will be here at Thanksgiving, my family will be here at Christmas, and then we start our trans-American auto journey! I am thankful that we have been blessed all year to both have good jobs
and great friends to keep us happy and healthy. With all of these things for which to be thankful, how can anything top the list?

Mama, I think you're forgetting something!

With everything that happened throughout this year, I am most thankful for my beautiful, darling, healthy, happy daughter. I can't imagine life before she was born. It seems like she's been a part of our family forever. She is so healthy and growing more and more each day. We took her for her two week checkup and she had already grown 1/2". She gained back over her
birth weight, up to 7 lbs. 13 oz. What impresses me about this was that she weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz. at her one week checkup, so she gained over half a pound in a week. She's a great eater and she sleeps pretty well most of the time. I can't believe that she will be 4 weeks on Thanksgiving, but I am so thankful for every minute that I get to spend with her. Hopefully, you have plenty of things for which to be thankful this year!

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