
The last few pieces

Well, here we are, two floors of the new house 95% done (with the little things). Paint is on the walls, and most of the trim is white. The trim that isn't white is taped so it can become white. The 5% exception is the bathroom, well two of them actually. The hold-up? Why repaint a bathroom when the sink and accessories all have to be replaced and the walls repainted a second time where the old and new don't match up? Well, in an effort to launch this project off of paper and into reality, I have started the beloved task of scraping the remaining wall paper. There are only two bathrooms left that are covered in the wretched material, and once those two rooms are rid of the wretch, our home will be free of the disgusting glued material! Easy, right? I WISH! The bathroom on the main floor is covered from wall to ceiling in the paper, but was apparently pasted up with the strongest grade of adhesive ever invented. I have been working for six hours and have cleared one wall and 1/3 of a second wall. Unfortunately, the completed wall is the one with the cutout for the door, so it doesn't even really count as a full wall. I am hoping to have all of the paper gone by Saturday morning. That being said, it's time to get back to the scrapper. If you know anyone who has an unquenchable urge to remove an earthly adhered horrendous paper from a half bathroom, send him my way!

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