
Day two: burning...

So I've started the 30 Day Shred workout for the second time this year. Last time, I worked out for two days, and then I promptly stopped those shenanigans when the lactic acid got to be a little too much. Well, a month has passed since that day two, and here we are again: Day Two. I remember why I quit the first time: lactic acid is the devil. I really hate being sore first thing in the morning when I wake up. Sure, there are times when waking up sore can be a good thing. There are even times that I've had a blast, and woken up the next day without being able to move. It was awesome! Today was not one of those days. And I am venturing to guess that tomorrow won't be one of those days either. But I am bound and determined to stick with it this time. I want to look like an actual person in a two piece bathing suit this summer instead of a blob of mashed potatoes stuffed into a two piece bathing suit. Last time I consistently worked out, it was much easier because I had a very definitive goal. My wedding was just around the corner, followed by my honeymoon at which time I would be clad in nothing but a bathing suit. These two motivating factors moved me to the gym on a nearly daily basis. However, this time, there is just a personal drive to look decent at the pool, since we have three of them to enjoy this summer. I am two days in, and I have learned that this is one of my breaking points. I am asking a favor of those two of you who actually do read this. I need to come up with some incentives to keep me motivated. I don't particularly want to motivate myself with food because saying "If I workout three days in a row, I'll allow myself a huge milk shake" seems somewhat counter productive. I also don't necessarily want to reward myself with monetary rewards. "If I work out for five days, I'll go get a manicure and pedicure." Unfortunately I don't have an extra $150 each month to reward myself with this goal. So, any suggestions that you have would be greatly appreciated. I'll even see if I can get my husband in on this reward process. Thanks for your help!


  1. Your little sister, KFebruary 23, 2010 at 3:49 PM

    Hmmm this is a tough one... I don't know much about the program, but here is a suggestion:

    For every 5 days that you work out consecutively you may skip the 6th day. So if you do the workout Monday thru Friday, you can skip your workout on Saturday. Then on Sunday you have to do the workout you would have done on Saturday. That way you aren't missing any workouts, but you are taking a break and giving your body some rest!

    Or you could do something like... for every 3 days that you workout, you get to give Josh a house chore to do. Of course Josh would have to approve. But, for instance, if you do the workout Mon-Wed then Josh would have to vacuum the floors or wash the dishes or whatever. It could be a chore that you normally do around the house.

    Do any of those sound appealing?

  2. Both of those sound great! The workout is a video that claims if you do it for 30 days straight, you can loose up to 20 lbs. I think it's based on people heavier than I am because I know that I will only build muscle instead of shrink the number. It's definitely great to let my body rest so doing as a reward might work really well. And I'd love Josh to do the dishes! I'm def. going to get these suggestions into action!

  3. the only thing that helps me is to have goal to work for like a race. apart from that, nothing has helped me get into shape (and i don't count working in teh oil industry and building a ridiculous amount of muscle like last summer. luckily that's gone. sadly i'm back to college weight ;) I MISS YOU!!!!!!!! you're snow pics are CRAZY!!! i'm so glad ya'll haven't turned to snowmen yet!!!! hearts!!
    amanda :)

  4. You better do it or you could end up looking like your MIL! Or better yet you could be as bad as I am, buy the tape and weights and leave it in the WalMart bag. It doesn't build LA in there>HAha. No I faith in you-just do it cause you know it will help you feel better and look great and who doesn't like hearing " "you look great!"
